Wednesday, May 8, 2019

finished rebuilding the picket fence today.

This is the north end of my picket fence redo. I've been planting everything I can think of along the property line to make a hedgerow, but the picket fence had fallen down in several areas as the posts had rotted off at the ground level. The picket panels were still in fairly good condition so I had removed them and stacked them back near my woods for several years as I had shoulder injuries and stomach surgeries that prevented me from digging out the rotted post ends and putting in  new posts.

I began last week working on the front yard which I posted photos of earlier, so now I've finished doing the back yard. Our neighbors have been planting pines and lilacs on their side of the fence and we have been planting pines, hemlocks, berry bushes, jerusalem artichokes and other plants all along the property line.

So here we have it, the back yard picket fence is now functional . So there is picket fence now all the way from the ditch area by the road back to the woods on our west property line. The woods needs fencing also as the dogs that come up (that cat eater) need to be fenced out of our property. So I'll be trying to put wire fencing north of where the picket fence ends. I also need to repair 2 areas of our front lattice fence where bear went through the fence and left large holes.

That will have to wait a few days as we are now having a rainy spell. It began to rain 5 minutes after I got my mess cleaned up.

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